Friday, March 6, 2009

Is there Romance in our life???????

What exactly do u think Romance is?
Do u think there is romance in our daily life? in between running for work , gropping for survival in the fast paced world of technology and working hard to fulfill our's and somebody else's dreams, are we able to take out a little time for romance ? This is the biggest question posed to the people of today who spend most of their time with a computer rather than with people around them. "Romance and Romantics"Most people think these words are better left in books rather than use in real life and some think this is girly stuff. Shouldn't a guy be Romantic ? Is a Macho guy with big muscles considered UnRomantic ? As they say "it is difficult to judge a person by the way he looks" in the same way it is difficult to recognize a romantic in you. Everybody has a romantic Lurking inside of them, it comes out with the right person at the right time. Everybody has a varied opinion on Romance, Most of them think Romance is sending a bouquet of Red Roses, having a cndle light dinner in expensive restraunts and writing love poems. Do u really think this is romance? I don't think so. Romance is not defined by how big the bouquet is ? or How expensive the Restraunt is? it is defined by how much you care for your loved ones and how well you could express it. Expressing doesn't mean showering them with expensive gifts but showing them some affection, appreciating them whenever they have done something good and most imoportantly spending some time with them. so in this cyberage spending some time with your loved ones even if it is in a fast food joint is as romantic as spending a moonlit night on a beach or having a candle light dinner. There is no specific way in which you can define a Romantic or Romance, anyone can be a Romantic but they just have to be a little expressive and a little creative.


  1. Yo baby! you are absolutely right...a small word, a sensitive touch, a warm hug, a sweet kiss are enough to show our care and affection.....really liked it...keep writing ra!
